Xuxi Zhang

We suggest effectiveness evaluation of interventions on management of chronic conditions to have a stronger focus on intervention processes and qualitative measures besides quantitative measures. Reporting of details of intervention elements could increase the understanding on the effect of interventions and provide evidence for future development of guidelines of effective interventions. Healthy ageing We recommend further studies on integration of health promotion and advancements in the field of smart design and technology, such as ICT and artificial intelligence (AI) 55 , to promote active and social lifestyle not only in older population but also in younger ages, which may result in promotion of healthy aging. 9.4 IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE AND POLICY Health promotion for people with frailty The associations between social frailty and both physical and mental HRQoL remain significant when controlling for physical and psychological frailty, which supports the potential importance of improving social support or social contact to improve HRQoL. Increasing social contact and social support were associated with better health behavior and HRQoL. 56, 57 In frail people, in addition to (tailored) physical training, increasing social contact or social support to reduce social frailty could be applied to positively influence HRQoL. 58 We recommend health professionals and policy makers to pay more attention to social frailty and consider strategies to improve social support or social contact among older adults. Both maintaining a regular frequency of physical activity and increasing to a regular frequency of physical activity are associated with maintaining or improving the level of physical, psychological and social frailty among older adults over 70, which supports the relevance of strategies to encourage older adults to maintain physically active. Physical activity interventions could be a promising strategy to promote an active lifestyle among older adults. However, participation in physical activity programs is often low among older adults. 59 Therefore, we suggest to develop strategies to improve participation. Coordinated preventive care approaches for older adults should address health constraints and barriers that hinder their engagement in care. The study results illustrate the importance of building a trusted relationship of professionals with their older clients; and the importance of a focus on psychosocial barriers for appropriate care use. In addition, the results support the importance of integration of new (effective) preventive approaches in existing health care. The integration may improve the sustainability of the effective approach and make the results of the scientific research into practice. Indeed, in our study, both participants and professionals mentioned they wished activities would continue beyond the project. Therefore, we recommend to develop strategies to enable sustainability of new (effective) prevention approaches. 230 Chapter 9