Xuxi Zhang

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABCD Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes ADVANCE Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation ADL Activities of daily living AI Artificial intelligence AUC Area under the ROC curve AUDIT ‐ C Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test CCOI Curriculum ‐ only ‐ intervention CCRI Curriculum ‐ combined ‐ reinforcement ‐ intervention CDSE ‐ 6 Short 6 ‐ item version of the Chronic Disease Self ‐ Efficacy instrument CG Control group CHWI Community ‐ health ‐ worker ‐ intervention CI Confidence interval CVD Cardiovascular Disease DR Diabetic retinopathy ELISAN European Local Inclusion and Social Action Network EMC Erasmus MC University Medical Center EQ ‐ 5D ‐ 5L EuroQol ‐ 5 Dimensions ‐ 5 level ETDRS the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study EU European Union GALI the 1 ‐ item Global Activity Limitation Index GARS Groningen Activity Restriction Scale GSE General Self ‐ Efficacy scale GRADE Grades of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation HbA 1c Glycated hemoglobin HRQoL Health Related Quality of Life HVI Home ‐ visit ‐ intervention IADL Instrumental activities of daily living ICT Information and Communication Technology IG Intervention group IPAQ International Physical Activity Questionnaire ISCED International Standard Classification of Education MCS Mental Component Summary MHI ‐ 5 full 5 ‐ item mental well ‐ being scale of the 36 ‐ Item Short Form Survey NL the Netherlands NSES Nutrition Self ‐ Efficacy Scale OR Odds Ratios OSS ‐ 3 Oslo Social Support scale PA Physical activity PCQ Productivity Costs Questionnaire PCS Physical Component Summary PESES Physical Exercise Self ‐ Efficacy Scale A 249 List of abbreviations