Xuxi Zhang

Table 1 Characteristics of the participants, frailty assessed with the Tilburg Frailty Indicator, outcomes of alternative measures (n=2250) Characteristic Total (n=2250) Participants from each individual country Spain (n=496) Greece (n=354) Croatia (n=476) NL (n=366) UK (n=558) P ‐ Value Basic characteristics Age ‡ 79.7±5.7 77.5±5.2 75.3±5.4 81.3±4.5 81.5±5.3 81.9±5.1 P <.001 * Women 1354(60.3) 311(62.8) 185(52.6) 326(68.5) 223(60.9) 309(55.4) P <.001 † Level of education P <.001 † Primary or less 608(27.3) 325(65.5) 173(51.2) 18(3.8) 82(22.9) 10(1.8) Secondary 1386(62.3) 120(24.2) 118(34.9) 400(84.0) 249(69.6) 499(89.7) Tertiary 230(10.3) 51(10.3) 47(13.9) 58(12.2) 27(7.5) 47(8.5) Living alone 859(38.3) 144(29.1) 72(20.5) 192(40.3) 172(47.0) 279(50.2) P <.001 † Frailty assessed with the TFI ‡ Full TFI score (score range 0 ‐ 15) 5.20±3.17 4.64±2.88 5.80±3.09 6.92±3.20 4.25±3.01 4.47±2.91 P <.001 * Physical domain (0 ‐ 8) 3.00±2.14 2.74±1.88 3.01±2.08 4.24±2.19 2.39±2.08 2.59±1.98 P <.001 * Poor physical health (0 ‐ 1) 0.34±0.47 0.27±0.44 0.36±0.48 0.54±0.50 0.33±0.47 0.23±0.42 P <.001 * Unexplained weight loss (0 ‐ 1) 0.11±0.31 0.07±0.26 0.11±0.31 0.18±0.38 0.07±0.25 0.10±0.31 P <.001 * Difficulty in walking (0 ‐ 1) 0.54±0.50 0.42±0.49 0.55±0.50 0.75±0.44 0.44±0.50 0.54±0.50 P <.001 * Difficulty in maintaining balance (0 ‐ 1) 0.39±0.49 0.32±0.47 0.36±0.48 0.52±0.50 0.33±0.47 0.41±0.49 P <.001 * Poor hearing (0 ‐ 1) 0.38±0.49 0.40±0.49 0.40±0.49 0.45±0.50 0.32±0.47 0.34±0.47 P <.001 * Poor vision (0 ‐ 1) 0.38±0.49 0.33±0.47 0.38±0.49 0.72±0.45 0.25±0.43 0.21±0.41 P <.001 * Hand strength (0 ‐ 1) 0.36±0.48 0.40±0.49 0.32±0.47 0.48±0.50 0.23±0.42 0.34±0.47 P <.001 * Physical tiredness (0 ‐ 1) 0.50±0.50 0.53±0.50 0.54±0.50 0.60±0.49 0.42±0.49 0.41±0.49 P <.001 * Psychological domain (0 ‐ 4) 1.18±1.07 1.11±1.03 1.68±1.16 1.47±1.06 0.81±0.97 0.91±0.92 P <.001 * Problems with memory (0 ‐ 1) 0.13±0.34 0.14±0.34 0.20±0.40 0.10±0.30 0.09±0.28 0.14±0.34 P <.001 * Feeling down (0 ‐ 1) 0.50±0.50 0.47±0.50 0.57±0.50 0.64±0.48 0.38±0.49 0.45±0.50 P <.001 * Feeling nervous or anxious (0 ‐ 1) 0.45±0.50 0.45±0.50 0.69±0.46 0.62±0.49 0.25±0.43 0.28±0.45 P <.001 * Inability to cope with problems (0 ‐ 1) 0.10±0.30 0.05±0.23 0.21±0.41 0.12±0.32 0.10±0.29 0.05±0.22 P <.001 * Social domain (0 ‐ 3) 1.01±0.89 0.79±0.85 1.10±0.86 1.20±0.89 1.05±0.95 0.97±0.85 P <.001 * Living alone (0 ‐ 1) 0.39±0.49 0.28±0.45 0.21±0.41 0.41±0.49 0.48±0.50 0.51±0.50 P <.001 * 4 83 Reliability and validity of the TFI