Maarten Cozijnsen

172 PhD portfolio Summary of PhD training and activities Name PhD student: M.A. Cozijnsen PhD period: 2013-2017 Erasmus MC department: Pediatrics, division gastroenterology Promotor: Prof. dr. J.C. Escher Research school: Molecular Medicine Postgraduate School (MolMed) Co-promotor: Dr L. de Ridder and dr. J. Samsom General academic skills courses Year Workload (ECTS) Postdoc Career Development Initiative: Employability outside academia 2016 1 University Medical Center Utrecht / Julius Institute: Cochrane course systematic review 2015 0,5 Integrity in scientific research 2014 0,3 Biomedical English writing 2014 3 Systematic literature search and endnote 2014 1 Basiscursus regelgeving en organisatie voor klinisch onderzoekers’ (BROK) 2013 1 MolMed - Basis introduction course on SPSS 2013 1 CPO mini course 2013 0,3 Specific research skills courses Partek course on microarray and next generation sequencing 2015 0,7 Ingenuity pathway analysis course 2015 0,5 Infection & immunity summer course 2013 4 National conferences Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (ICC) day 2016 “Life Cycle IBD” 2016 0,3 Symposium “IBD Binnenste Buiten” 2015 0,3 ICC day 2014 “Leven in de darm & leven met de darm” 2014 0,3 Sophia Research Days - Across borders (poster) 2014 1