Maarten Cozijnsen

20 Anti-TNF antibody treatment Alternative treatment option (e.g. prednisolone or EEN combined with an immunomodulator) Response No response Response Prediction does not reveal a better treatment option. Second way in which treatment outcome prediction reveals a better treatment option: no response to anti-TNF treatment and response to an alternative treatment option. No response First way in which treatment outcome prediction reveals a better treatment option: response to anti-TNF treatment and no response to an alternative treatment option. Prediction does not reveal a better treatment option. Third way: Once anti-TNF treatment is initiated, patients may benefit from a timely recognition of a disease relapse. Prediction which patients have high risk of losing response helps to timely recognize and act on a relapse. Figure 3. Ways in which patients may benefit from treatment outcome prediction Displaying the three ways in which CD patients may benefit from treatment outcome prediction related to anti-TNF treatment. The goal or object of the first two ways of treatment prediction are the same—to prevent treatment non-response. This can only be achieved by an accurate prediction of the chance to respond to anti-TNF treatment and a prediction of the chance to respond to an alternative treatment option. The third way in which treatment outcome prediction can be beneficial is by predicting which patients are at high risk to lose response.