Marjon Borgert

100 Chapter 5 Multilinear regression analysis for average EN intake The multilinear analyses showed that the nasoduodenal-, nasojejunal- and PEG feeding tubes were signi cant better performers in terms of intake per hour than nasogastric tubes (Table 5). For a unit change in medical admissions there was a 5.10-point increase in average EN intake per hour (beta: 5.10, P -value <0.001). Planned admission had an adverse e ect on EN intake (beta: -7.59, P -value <0.001). Age and Apache II score were not associated with an average EN intake per hour. The model accounted for 7.1% of the variance in average hourly EN intake. Table 5. Multiple linear regression model for average volume feeding intake per hour during ICU stay a β Se β 95% CI P value Nasoduodenal tube b 8.69 3.26 2.29 to 15.08 0.008 Nasojejunal tube b 13.33 2.97 7.51 to 19.14 <0.0001 PEG tube b 7.89 3.40 1.23 to 14.56 0.020 Gender (male) 2.87 0.90 1.12 to 4.63 0.001 Apache II 0.12 1.26 -0.01 to 0.24 0.068 Mechanical ventilation (yes/no) 2.49 1.26 0.02 to 4.96 0.048 Planned admission (yes/no) -7.59 1.34 -10.21 to -4.96 <0.0001 Admission type (medical/surgical) 5.10 1.06 3.02 to 7.19 <0.0001 Adjusted R 2 : 0.071 a Total intake per patient divided by total hours IC stay b Compared with reference Nasogastric tube DISCUSSION In the present study we retrospectively observed that overall patients received 65% of the ideal protein intake and 66% of the ideal caloric intake by EN during ICU admission. This is a higher intake than previous studies described. 5,6,12,16,17 Binnekade et al. showed that approximately 50% of the patients received the prescribed amount of EN intake. 5 In a prospective observational study of Cahill et al. it was shown that there is a poor adherence to the EN guideline resulting in a calorie and protein intake of nearly 60%. 6 However, close to ideal caloric and protein intake by EN is associated with improved clinical outcomes. 9 Furthermore, we showed that the median level of adequate EN intake was high, more than 90% per day. Targets of 80% are used in literature as an indicator for high performance in EN delivery practices. 6,18 In our study, the majority of