Marjon Borgert

119 Implementation of care bundles in ICUs Table 2. Implementation strategies Central line Bundle Ventilator Bundle Sepsis Bundle Total number Professional interventions Distribution of educational materials 27,32-34 10,40,41,46,52,56, 66-70,72 16 Educational meetings 28,30,35,36 35,41,42,53,59, 66,67,69,70,72 14 Local consensus processes 45,46,51,57 4 Educational outreach visits 27-29,31-34,36,37 10,40,42-60/61,63 64-66,68, 34 Local opinion leaders 34,36 65 3 Audit & Feedback 27,28,30-34,36-38 10,16,40,41,43,44,46, 49,52-54,56-62 65,66,70 30 Reminders 27-39 10,35,39-47, 49,51-54,56-59,63, 65, 35 Tailored 41,51,53,54,59 5 Mass media 27,28,30,32 10,40,44,45,47,52,53, 56,57,59-62 65-67,72 20 Other; Time-out procedure 28-30,34,36,38 49,54,60/61 9 Patient interventions Patient-family interventions 46,57,59 3 Organizational interventions Revision of professional roles 59 1 Clinical multidisciplinary teams 28,35 10,35,41,43,53,55,56, 57,59,63 68 13 Skill mix changes 68,69,71 3 Continuity of care 30 1 Satisfaction of providers 31,33,36 40,46,48,54,56 8 Other; Implementation teams 27,29,31,34-36 35,42,45,46,52,53,56 65,68,69 16 Structural interventions Changes in medical record system 38 64 2 The numbers in the table are reference numbers; except for those in the last column. Central line bundle: 13 studies; Ventilator bundle: 27 studies; Sepsis bundle: 9 studies.