Marjon Borgert

145 Implementation of care bundles in ICUs Schramm 70 2011, USA, Sepsis resuscitation bundle Prospec- tive inter- ventional cohort study Overall: jan’07- sept’09. Baseline: jan’07-28dec’07 Weekly feed- back: 29dec’08- 26sept’08 Inzet SRT: 27sept’08- 30sept’09 Single center, Medical ICU, 24 beds -compliance -mortality ICU he- althcare providers NS AON + Item-by- item/ Overall: 1 year 1) educational meetings/tea- ching session; 2) distribution of educational materials; 3) daily auditing and weekly feedback; 4) multidisciplinary bedside response teams (SRT) Baseline: 34/268 (12.7%), Period of weekly feedback: 107/284 (37.7%), Sepsis Response Team period: 232/432 (53.7%). P<0.001 Kim 71 2012, South Korea, Sepsis resuscitation/ management bundle Prospec- tive obser- vational study. July ‘09 Multicenter, Medical and surgical ICU, 28 ICUs -overall hospital mortality -28-day mortality -ICU mortality -ICU LOS -duration of MV Critical care per- sonnel NS AON/ Per month 1) full time intensivists available by turns of duty for 24h and nurse to patient ratio of 1:2 n=251. Complete Resuscitation bundle: 31/251 (12.35%), Management bundle: 39/251 (15.54%) Laguna Perez 72 2012, Spain, Sepsis resuscitation/ management bundle Quasi ex- perimental prospec- tive study Control group: Jun’08-Jul’09 Intervention group: Oct’09- March’10 Single center -compliance -survival rates -LOHS NR NS Item-by-item/ Overall: 6 months 1) education and training pro- grams; 2) posters with protocol algorithms and diagrams were made; 3) developing reference guides and made available at nursing controls and on intranet 6- hour bundle: control group: element 1. 55/84 (64,7%), 2. 44/84 (52.4), 3. 33/84 (40.7%), 4, 35/84 (41.7%) 16/84 (19%), 11/84 (13.1%), 60/84 (71.4%) Intervention group: 1, 30/41 (60%), 2, 29/41 (70.7%), 3, 17/41 (41.5%), 4, 32/41 (78%), 5, 22/41 (53.6%), 6, 18/41 (43.9%), 7, 32/41 (78%). 24-hour bundle: Control group: 1. 26/85 (30.5%). 2, 39/76 (51.3%), 3, 16/84 (19%), 4, 6/58 (10.3%) Intervention group: 1. 40 (40), 2. 22/36 (61.1%), 3, 32/40 (80%), 19/23 (82.6%). CL: Central Line, CLABSI: Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection, CRBSI: Catheter Related Bloodstream Infections, PDSA-cycle: Plan Do Study Act-cycle, NS: Not Stated, MV: Mechanical ventilation, LOS: Length of Stay, ICU: Intensive Care Unit, SSC: Surviving Sepsis Campaign, MRSA: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.