Marjon Borgert

163 Implementation of the transfusion bundle Table 1. Nurses demographics Team A Team B 95% CI of di erence, P- value Number of nurses, n/N (%) 59 61 - Gender (female), n/N (%) 44/59 (75) 46/61 (75) -0.008 (-16.33 to 14.67), 0.92 a Age, median (IQR) 41 (32-50) 44 (32-49) 0.99 b Work experience (yrs), median (IQR) 10 (4.5-18.5) 14 (6-20) 0.44 b a Chi-square test; b Mann-Whitey U-test Transfusion bundle compliance Implementation period The overall compliance rate during the four months of implementation was 67% (83/124) in Team B versus 36% (58/160) in Team A (di erence -31%, 95% CI: 20 to 42, P < 0.001). Figure 1 shows the compliance over time. In Table 3 the compliance levels per month are shown, including the di erences per Team. Compliance signi cantly di ered between the Teams, except for May and August 2014. Post-implementation period The overall compliance rate during the post-implementation period was 58% (94/162) in Team B versus 22% (47/216) in Team A (di erence -36%, 95% CI: 22 to 58, P < 0.001). Although compliance gradually decreased in both teams, there is still a signi cant di erence in compliance between both teams at the end of the post-implementation period, di erence -36% (95% CI: -52% to -18.5%, P < 0.001). Di erence of compliance within the teams The di erence in compliance within Team B between the implementation period and post-implementation period was 9% (95 CI: -2.33 to 20.15, P = 0.124). In team A, a di erence of 14.5% was observed (95% CI: 5.25 to 23.75, P = 0.002).