Marjon Borgert

165 Implementation of the transfusion bundle Table 2. Patient demographics Implementation period Post-implementation period Team A Team B 95% CI of di erence P -value Team A Team B 95% CI of di erence P -value Number of unique patients (N) 57 55 - - 67 61 - - Number of transfused RBCs a 160/284 124/284 12.7 (4.5 to 20.7) a 0.0025 216/378 162/378 14.3% (7.2% to 21.2%) a < 0.001 Age in years, mean (SD) 62.5 (12.2) 58.8 (16.7) 3.70 ( -1.8 to 9.2) b 0.19 59.4 (17.1) 63.3 (14.44) -3.90 (-9.5 to 1.6) b 0.16 Gender (male), n/N (%) a 33/57 (58) 31/55 (56) 1.5% (-16.3 to 19.2) a 0.87 35/67 (52) 36/61 (59) -6.8% (52.2 to 59.0) a 0.44 Apache IV, median (IQR) 57 (51-81) 62 (48-83) - 0.66 c 66.5 (47-75) 76.5 (63-97.5) - 0.17 c ICU LOS in days, median (IQR) 6 (3-12) 6 (3-12) - 0.63 c 4 (2-14) 7 (3-13) - 0.57 c ICU mortality, n/N (%) a 13/57 (23) 13/55 (24) -0.8 (-16.4 to 14.7) a 0.92 16/67 (24) 12/61 (20) 4.2% (-10.3 to 18.2) a 0.57 a Chi-square test; b Unpaired t-test; c Mann-Whitey U-test; LOS: Length of stay; Apache: Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Table 3. Transfusion bundle compliance Time of intervention Month Team A n/N (%) Team B n/N (%) 95% CI of di erence P -value a Implementation period May 16/49 (33) 15/36 (42) -9% (-28.8 to 11.1) 0.40 June 20/57 (35) 14/20 (70) -35% (-53.9 to -9.5) 0.007 b July 12/29 (41) 33/40 (83) -41% (-59.2 to -18.1) 0.000 b August 10/25 (40) 21/28 (75) -35% (-55.7 to -8.4) 0.01 Post-implementation period September 28/70 (40) 33/46 (72) -32% (-47.0 to -13.0) 0.001 b October 7/41 (17) 25/44 (57) -40% (-56.0 to -19.0) 0.000 b November 5/41 (12) 18/34 (53) -41% (-57.8 to -19.8) <0.001 b December 7/64 (11) 18/38 (47) -36% (-52.8 to -18.5) 0.000 b a Chi-square test ;b signi cant; no missing values