Marjon Borgert

CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 9 PART I IMPROVING PATIENT SAFETY FOR CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS ON NURSING WARDS Chapter 2 Standardized measurement of the Modi ed Early Warning Score results in enhanced implementation of a Rapid Response System: a quasi-experimental study Resuscitation. 2014;85:676-682. 23 Chapter 3 Emergency care within hospitals: can it be done more e ciently? Br J Nurs. 2015:820-824. 45 PART II IMPROVING PATIENT SAFETY FOR CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IN THE ICU Chapter 4 A owchart for building evidence-based care bundles in intensive care: based on a systematic review Int J Qual Health Care. 2017;1;29:163-175 . 63 Chapter 5 Identifying potential risk factors in the delivery of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients -arguments for introducing a nutritional care bundle Submitted 91 Chapter 6 What are e ective strategies for the implementation of care bundles in ICUs: a systematic review Implement Sci. 2015;10:119. 109 Chapter 7 Timely individual audit and feedback signi cantly improves transfusion bundle compliance - a comparative study Int J Qual Health Care. 2016;28:601-607. 155 Chapter 8 Implementation of a transfusion bundle reduces inappropriate red blood cell transfusions in intensive care - a before and after study Transfus Med. 2016;26:432-439. 175 Chapter 9 Summary and future perspectives 195 Chapter 10 Dutch summary / Nederlandse samenvatting 211 APPENDICES Curriculum vitae 231 PhD Portfolio 233 Contribution of authors 235 Publications 237 Acknowledgements (Dankwoord) 239