Marjon Borgert

55 Emergency care for false arrests CONCLUSIONS Since nurses are almost continuously present on the ward while caring for their patients, they are responsible for the early detection of clinical deterioration of patients. Nurses are also the rst to be confronted with the majority of collapsed patients. Hence, nurses play an important role in the activation of the emergency teams. Our results show that when nurses activated the CAT, a signi cant part of the FAs were less urgent. In those cases activation of the RRT might be more e cient. In order to avoid cardiac arrests and thus potentially minimise the CAT activations for FAs, nurses should early recognise and respond to patients who clinically deteriorate. In our view, it is therefore imperative that nurses should use the MEWS correctly. When completing the MEWS nurses have a clear guideline on how to act when patients clinically deteriorate and who to call. Future research should focus on nding strategies to implement the MEWS successfully and how the organisation of the emergency teams could be optimised to achieve both nancial and qualitative bene ts.