Marjon Borgert

72 Chapter 4 Table 1. (continued) Author/ year of publication/ country Design Study period Study outcomes ICU Type of bundle Aim of the bundle Methods used in the care bundle design process Chatzi 21 , 2014, Greece Clinical prospective case series 2007- 2012 Prevalence and outcome of external cerebral ventricular drainage- associated ventriculitis General Bundle of external cerebral ventricular drainage associated ventriculitis Reduce infections 1) Assess clinical and microbiological patient data 2) Study the risk factors which are associated with ventriculitis 3) Literature review: the bundle was based on published data, adjusted on local protocols and setting. Cooke 22 , 2007, UK Narrative report NR Propose of an antibiotic care bundle for prescribing antibiotics NR Antibiotic bundle To select antibiotics to cure the patient, reducing risks of side e ects and the risk of resistance and C. di cile. 1) Review of the literature 2) Selected elements were based on the IHI criteria (elements are evidence based) Fulbrook 23 ,2003, UK Narrative report/review NR Explain what contributes a care bundle and describe how it can be implemented NR Care bundle in general General: improve clinical e ectiveness 1) identify a critical care theme 2) identify a cluster of interventions/practices within the same theme 3) Undertake literature searches, related to each of the interventions/ practices, to identify all relevant research 4) extract the research literature 5) Categorize the available research according to its quality 6) Delete any intervention/practice from your list that do not have an adequate evidence base to refer to 7) On the basis of analyze research evidence, develop evidence based interventions/practices.