Marjon Borgert

74 Chapter 4 Table 1. (continued) Author/ year of publication/ country Design Study period Study outcomes ICU Type of bundle Aim of the bundle Methods used in the care bundle design process - R elevant a) Target problems that have direct clinical signi cance and consequences to patient care b) ensure that updated information is employed in the development of the prevention program c) update prevention program over time - T ime-Bound a) use discrete time periods for the implementation of the various phases b) have a cut-o time at which to determine the success or failure of the prevention program c) have speci c time periods over which the prevention program will be re-evaluated to determine whether it needs updating or e orts to re-establish compliance with its components. Kubilay 26 , 2013, USA Quality improvement Q4 2006- Q1 2012 Infection rates Neuro ICU Ventricu- lostomy placement bundle Decrease the ventricular catheter associated in- fection rate 1) De ne the problem 2) FMEA was used to identify failure modes and solutions and to implement change and track results. 3) Broad literature review to outline evidence-based best practices. Nelson 27 , 2006, USA Quality improvement 2003- 2004 Create a palliative care bundle ICUs in general Palliative care bundle Improving comfort and communi- cation in palliative care 1) Describe the problem 2) Review of the literature 3) Identify processes that were associated with desirable outcomes 4) Consensus about the candidate list of indicators 5) Specify and de ne the quality measures 6) Pilot test the quality measures