Marjon Borgert

75 A flowchart for building evidence-based care bundles Table 1. (continued) Author/ year of publication/ country Design Study period Study outcomes ICU Type of bundle Aim of the bundle Methods used in the care bundle design process Puntillo 28 , 2014, USA RCT NR Thirst intensity thirst distress Medical- Surgical, neurologic cardio- vascular ICU Intervention bundle for thirst intensity thirst distress and dry mouth Reduce thirst intensity and thirst distress. 1) Identify problem, 2) Evaluating prior research to nd interventions to relieve thirst or dry mouth 3) Combining the single interventions into a bundle 4) Test the new care bundle Rello 27 , 2010 Description of bundle methodology NR Developing a comprehensive care bundle ICUs in general Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia care bundle Reduce the incidence of VAP 1) Findings of a previous review of hospital acquired pneumonia and VAP guidelines across Europe were used to produce a comprehensive list of interventions. 2) The MCDA (Multi-criteria decision analysis) method was used to develop the bundle. MCDA is a weighting and scoring technique that supports decision making when numerous and con icting evaluations are being assessed. Rello 29 , 2011 Description of bundle methodology NR Developing a comprehensive care bundle ICUs in general VAP care bundle: VAP diagnoses bundle and VAP treatment bundle Promote guideline compliance 1) Findings of a previous review of hospital acquired pneumonia and VAP guidelines across Europe were used to produce a comprehensive list of interventions. 2) The MCDA (Multi-criteria decision analysis) method was used to develop the bundle. MCDA is a weighting and scoring technique that supports decision making when numerous and con icting evaluations are being assessed. Romero 30 , 2013, Chile Before and After study Mar’09- Jul‘11 Medication errors Medical- Surgical ICU Preventive Interventions Program bundle (PIP-bundle): interventions on medication errors Reduce medication errors 1) Each bundle intervention was selected based on the types and causes of medication errors during the baseline period. 2) A multidisciplinary team systematically evaluated every stage of medication use to identify the causes of medication errors.