Peter van Mourik

82 Chapter 4 8. Repeat steps 4-7 until a minimum of 4 good quality biopsies have been successfully isolated and collected (all biopsies can be collected in the same tube). 9. After the procedure the nurse firmly closes the collection tube and takes off her gloves. 10. If there is more than one biopsy collection tube, make sure it is marked and numbered by the nurses. 11. Maintain the collection tube with the biopsies on ice at ~4°C in a styrofoam box. 12. After the procedure is finished the patient should remain in the hospital for an additional hour to check for potential rectal bleeding. In case of severe or persistent rectal bleeding a qualified physician should be consulted. 13. When no complications are observed the patient can be discharged. 14. Inform the patient about potential late onset rectal bleeding. In case of late onset rectal bleeding a qualified physician should be consulted.