Ingrid 't Hart

118 Appendices Curriculum Vitae Ingrid ’t Hart was born on the 10 th of April 1992 in Krimpen a/d IJssel, TheNetherlands. She graduated fromtheComenius College inCapellea/d IJssel in2010and started thebachelor Bio-Pharmaceu�cal Sciences (BPS) in Leiden the same year. In 2013, she completed her bachelor and con�nued with the BPS master in Leiden, specializing in organic synthesis. Her first masters internship was in the department of Medicinal Chemistry at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) in Leiden under supervision of Jaco van Veldhoven. In 2014, she successfully completed her internship and contributed as co- author on two publica�ons. In 2015 she moved to Dortmund, Germany to start her second internship at the Max Planck Ins�tute of Molecular Physiology under supervision of Pablo Mar�n-Gago. She completed her master thesis “Covalent inhibi�on of PDEδ by sulfonyl fluoride deriva�ves: a possible treatment for K-Ras dependent carcinomas” and obtained her Master of Science degree cum laude . Throughout her studies she has ac�vely par�cipated in commi�ees from the study associa�on L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius”. In 2015, she started her PhD research in the group of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery (CBDD) at the Utrecht Ins�tute for Pharmaceu�cal Sciences (UIPS) in Utrecht. Under the supervision of Geert-Jan Boons, she worked on four projects all focused on the chemical or chemoenzyma�c synthesis of glycosphingolipids and the results are described in this thesis. In May 2020 she started her job as a scien�fic advisor at the Na�onal Ins�tute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in Bilthoven.