Ingrid 't Hart

119 Appendices List of publica�ons Chemoenzyma�c synthesis of the oligosaccharide moiety of the tumor-associated an�gen disialosyl globopentaosylceramide. Ingrid M. E. ’t Hart, Tiehai Li, Margreet A. Wolfert, Shuo Wang, Kelley W. Moremen and Geert-Jan Boons. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019 , 17: 7304-7308 Other publica�ons Structure−Affinity Rela�onships (SARs) and Structure−Kine�cs Rela�onships (SKRs) of Kv11.1 Blockers, Zhiyi Yu, Jacobus P. D. van Veldhoven, Julien Louvel, Ingrid M. E. ’t Hart, Mar�n B. Rook, Marcel A. G. van der Heyden, Laura H. Heitman, and Adriaan P. IJzerman. J. Med. Chem., 2015 , 58: 5916-5929 Synthesis and biological evalua�on of nega�ve allosteric modulators of the Kv11.1 (hERG) channel. Zhiyi Yu, Jacobus P.D. van Veldhoven, Ingrid M.E. 't Hart, Adrian H. Kopf, Laura H. Heitman, Adriaan P. IJzerman. Eur. J. Med. Chem ., 2015 , 106: 50-59 Poster presenta�ons Eurocarb, 1-4 July 2019, Leiden CHAINS 3-4 Dec 2018, Veldhoven Eurocarb 2-6 July 2017, Barcelona Bijvoet Symposium 25-26 April 2016, Soesterberg