Ingrid 't Hart

120 Appendices Acknowledgements / Dankwoord First of all, I would like to thank Geert-Jan for his guidance and supervision during my PhD research. Before I started in Utrecht, I had no background in sugar chemistry, but in the four years of my PhD I have learned a lot, both prac�cally and theore�cally. I would also like to thank Margreet ; especially for the microarray studies. Roland , thanks for all the helpful ques�ons and sugges�ons during group mee�ngs and the nice collabora�on during teaching Organic Chemistry 3. Thanks to Tom ( Wennekes ) for all work-related discussions and fun �mes. Special thanks for all your help in the job hunt, this proved to be very frui�ul! I would like to thank Johan , Hans and Justyna for their help with NMR measurements and Javier and John for their help with MS measurements on various machines and for providing all HRMS data. I want to thank Gerlof for the expression of various enzymes; some of the enzymes proved to be quite tricky! I want to thank Dowson for the precious heptose building block that he synthesized for me. Furthermore, I would like to thank Nathaniel and his group for all the nice �mes here in Utrecht. Our Nemo fish has reminded me of your group every day. Dear Charlo�e, Tom, Emma and Nicola , we had a lot of fun organizing all sorts of ac�vi�es, such as the lab retreat, borrels and lasertag matches. I am glad we are s�ll staying in touch and have our regular dinner in Utrecht or Leiden, King’s day celebra�ons or the occasional 90’s or 00’s party. All the best in the beau�ful city of Leiden! I would like to thank my labmates Apoorva and Ivan , who helped me a lot during my first year in the lab in Utrecht. I am impressed by the way you all learned to speak Dutch in such a short �me, from such different languages! Thanks to Mehman for the collabora�on of the sulfoglycolipid project and discussions at our fumehoods. Also thanks to (captain) Jack , always ready for ques�ons and the occasional joke in the lab. Enrico and Arwin , you have been my next-door labmates, always ready for a ques�on on a chemical reac�on or a (really) bad joke. I also want to thank my student, Caitlin : you were a highly mo�vated and bright student and made the supervision very easy for me! Thanks to Hanna, Pieter, Tim, Nino , Frederik, Cindy , Helena, Seino for the all the support, discussions and lunch breaks. We have discussed all sorts of things, from chemicals and toxicity to moving (and renova�on a house), movies (such as "It"), recipes and the Dutch and German language. Rosanne , I am happy that you want to be my paranimf. Already since you started your internship we could get along very well and a had lot of fun moments. I am happy that you came back to the department for your PhD and I wish you all the best in your research projects! I am also glad that we could discuss anything through the years and I definitely hope that we will stay in touch! (nog ééntje dan?) Yve�e (YMCA), I am happy that you want to be my paranimf! From the start of both our PhDs we could get along very well. And even though we are working on quite different topics (biology vs chemistry!), we had some very nice in-depth discussions. You were