Ietje Perfors

112 Chapter 5 inability to fill in questionnaires, if the patient’s GP worked outside the study area or did not agree to participate or if the patient already started cancer treatment. Recruitment and randomisation After diagnosis, eligible patients were approached for participation by their treating physician or oncology nurse in the treating hospital. If patients consented, they were contacted by the researchers by phone the (working) day after diagnosis to verify eligibility and provide further study information. Upon confirmation of willingness to participate, patients were randomised. Equally allocated (1:1) randomisation was performed by using an online computerized randomizationmodule provided by an independent data centre of the UMC Utrecht. Minimisation was applied to ensure balance between groups regarding treating hospital and cancer type. Due to the nature of the intervention, patients and healthcare providers could not be blinded for the intervention. All participants gave verbal and written consent for participation. Usual care All patients received cancer care as usual in the hospital, which is to a great extent protocolised. Protocols for curative treatment vary according to cancer type and patient and disease characteristics. In general, additional investigations are required such as determination of laboratory values and imaging, and multidisciplinary team discussions on treatment options. In one or more consultations with the medical specialist, the diagnosis is explained to the patient, information about cancer and treatment options is given and the final treatment decision is made. Involvement of the GP following primary cancer diagnosis varies between hospitals, specialists and GPs. In general, the GP is informed about the diagnosis by phone or by mail through Electronic Data Interchange after the multidisciplinary team reaches consensus on the diagnosis and treatment. Thereafter, contact between the GP and the patient depends on the individual initiative of either the GP or the patient.