Ietje Perfors

122 Chapter 5 Table 2. Results of perceived shared decision making, provided information assessment and self-efficacy. Intervention (N=74) TOC before treatment decision (N=11) TOC after treatment decision (N=51) No TOC (N=12) Control (N=74) Estimated mean difference between study groups (95%CI) Perceived shared decision making T1 mean score (±SD) 59.2 (±27.9) 66.5 (±27.2) 55.7 (±28.7) 67.2 (±23.8) 67.9 (±26.1) -8.9 (-17.1;-0.6) -8.4 1 (-16.8;0.0) GP involved in treatment decision* N=40 N=6 N=27 N=7 N=44 T1 percentage agreement completely disagree strongly disagree somewhat disagree somewhat agree strongly agree completely agree 70.0% 12.5% 0.0% 2.5% 7.5% 7.5% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 33.3% 66.7% 18.5% 0.0% 3.7% 7.4% 3.7% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 68.2% 6.8% 4.5% 6.8% 6.8% 6.8% Information assessment of patients T1 mean score (±SD) Disease Medical tests Treatments Other services Places of care Self-help Satisfaction with information Helpfulness of information 58.1 (±22.6) 73.4 (±24.0) 41.9 (±21.0) 27.8 (±25.8) 27.9 (±33.6) 40.1 (±35.7) 75.2 (±23.4) 79.3 (±21.9) 57.6 (±24.3) 82.8 (±21.3) 49.4 (±25.1) 26.5 (±20.7) 18.2 (±22.9) 42.4 (±42.4) 75.8 (±26.2) 81.8 (±22.9) 56.4 (±21.9) 71.7 (±24.7) 38.1 (±17.7) 24.1 (±21.5) 28.8 (±32.7) 38.6 (±32.9) 74.5 (±23.7) 77.8 (±22.8) 66.0 (±24.2) 72.2 (±23.0) 51.2 (±26.7) 44.4 (±39.5) 33.3 (±44.9) 44.4 (±43.4) 77.8 (±21.7) 83.3 (±17.4) 59.9 (±21.7) 75.5 (±22.2) 45.1 (±20.5) 28.0 (±25.0) 22.5 (±28.7) 43.7 (±32.6) 75.2 (±23.4) 76.6 (±21.9) -1.4 (-8.7;5.9) -2.2 (-9.8;5.5) -3.1 (-9.9;3.7) -0.5 (-8.7;7.6) 4.2 (-6.0;14.5) -4.3 (-15.5;6.9) -0.5 (-8.2;7.2) 2.3 (-4.9;9.6)