Ietje Perfors

123 Table 2. Continued. Intervention (N=74) TOC before treatment decision (N=11) TOC after treatment decision (N=51) No TOC (N=12) Control (N=74) Estimated mean difference between study groups (95%CI) Perceived Efficacy in patient-physician interactions T1 mean score (±SD) 22.3 (±2.4) 22.8 (±2.4) 22.1 (±2.5) 22.7 (±2.2) 22.1 (±2.9) 0.4 2 (-0.4;1.1) 0.3 3 (-0.5;1.1) Mean difference (±SD) T1-T0 within groups (95%CI) 1.1(0.4;1.8)) 1.5 (-0.7;3.8) 1.0 (0.1;1.9) 1.2 (-1.0;3.4) 0.5 (-0.1;1.2) Abbreviations: TOC, Time Out Consult; T0, baseline measurement; T1, assessment after two week; CI, Confidence Interval; SD, standard deviation; * Question was added after the trial started; 1 added correction co-morbidities (None; ≥ 1 comorbidities); 2 added correction PEPPI at baseline; 3 added correction PEPPI at baseline and co-morbidities (None; ≥ 1 comorbidities). 5