Ietje Perfors

141 collected from public Dutch online databases for GP experience. 15, 16 From the hospital EMR, we extracted comorbidities, date of diagnosis, cancer stage, date of treatment decision and completion of active treatment. Date of treatment decision was defined as the moment the patient agreed with or chose the treatment. We defined the date of completion of active treatment (i.e., surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy) as the date of first follow-up contact with their treating physician. Questionnaires Patient satisfaction with care was measured at T3 and T5 with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Satisfaction with care questionnaire (EORTC-INPATSAT 32) 17 andwith a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). EORTC-INPATSAT 32 is a validated questionnaire and consists of 32 questions and measures patients’ appraisal of hospital doctors and nurses, as well as aspects of care organisation and services. 17 We adjusted the EORTC-INPATSAT 32 to specify the satisfaction with specialists, GPs and nurses. Questions on GP and nurse satisfaction were left out if the patients did not receive this care. 12 The NRS, assessed at T3 and T5, is a self-developed question with a scale from 0 to 10 with the following question “How satisfied are you with the received care?”. Herein, 0 implies “not satisfied at all” and 10 implies that the patient “could not have been more satisfied” with the received care. Utilisation of paramedical care was assessed using the Medical Cost Questionnaire of the institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA MCQ). 18 The iMTA MCQ includes 31 questions and measures healthcare utilisation of the past three months (specific to the Dutch situation). 18 The iMTAMCQwas filled in every threemonths after inclusion (T2, T3, T4, T5). Health related Quality of Life was assessed at T0 and T5, using the European Organisation Research and Treatment of Cancer-Quality of Life-C30 questionnaire (EORTC-QoLC30). The EORC-QoLC30 is a validated questionnaire which incorporates functional scales, a quality of life scale and symptom scales. 19 In addition, we calculated the QLQ-C30 summary score. 20 6