Ietje Perfors

167 Appendix C. Subgroup analysis – Patient Satisfaction with care. Table C1. Subgroup effects on overall patient satisfaction with care. Overall Satisfaction N int./ N cont. T3 estimated mean difference int. vs cont. (95% CI) p value N int./ N cont. T5 estimated mean difference int. vs cont. (95% CI) p value Total effects 59/67 1.9 (-5.8;9.7) 59/69 3.6 (-3.7;10.9) Sexe Male Female 15/17 44/50 -0.2 (-15.7;15.2) 2.2 (-7.2;11.5) 0.78 15/17 44/52 -2.9 (-15.9;10.2) 4.8 (-4.2;13.9) 0.52 Type of cancer Breast Colorectal Other 28/34 16/16 15/17 1.7 (-8.8;12.2) 10.9 (-5.5;27.4) -8.2 (-25.5;9.1) 0.28 30/36 14/17 15/16 4.3 (-6.6;15.3) 9.9 (-3.8;23.6) -7.7 (-23.1;7.6) 0.33 Age ≤65 >65 37/46 22/21 5.4 (-5.1;15.9) -0.8 (-10.9;9.3) 0.52 36/47 23/22 5.7 (-3.8;15.2) 4.3 (-7.4;16.0) 0.77 Comorbidity None ≥1 21/35 38/32 -1.0 (-13.4;11.4) 5.9 (-4.5;16.2) 0.50 21/37 38/32 0.7 (-11.8;13.1) 5.7 (-3.7;15.2) 0.40 Abbreviation: int; intervention group, cont; control group. 6