Ietje Perfors

208 Appendices Curriculum vitae Ietje Perfors was born on the 10th of August 1987 in Zeist, the Netherlands. During breakfast her father performed single-blind tests to evaluate which was best. After graduation from De Breul in Zeist, she moved to Utrecht in 2007 to start her studies in Medicine at Utrecht University. During her medical studies she completed senor internships in Urology (UMC Utrecht) and Internal Medicine (Garoua Baptist Hospital, Cameroon) and did her research internship about the bulbourethral artery under supervision of prof. dr. Laetitia de Kort and prof. dr. R.L.A.W. Bleys. After obtaining her medical degree, she started in 2014 working on this thesis as a PhD candidate at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care of the University Medical Center Utrecht. She worked under supervision of prof. dr. N.J. de Wit, prof. dr. E. van der Wall, prof. dr. A.M. May and dr. C.W. Helsper. She continued the research project as an AIOTHO, combining her work as a general practice trainee with her PhD project. After one-and-a-half years of research, she did her first year as a general practice trainee in Utrecht. Subsequently, she continued her research, alternated with her second year of general practice vocational training and completed her postgraduate Master in Clinical Epidemiology at Utrecht University. As of September 2020, Ietje will continue her training to become a general practitioner.