Ietje Perfors

28 Chapter 2 Results Patient characteristics The survey was completed by 4,763 (former) cancer patients. The mean age of respondents was 62 years (SD±12), 56% was female and 48% of the respondents had a high education level (Table 1). The majority of the respondents was diagnosed with either breast cancer (26%), haematological cancers (18%) or colorectal cancer (16%). The median time since the last received cancer treatment was 2 years (IQR 1-6) and 46% reported to be cured. Table 1. Baseline characteristics of respondents. Total N=4763 N (%) Female 2686 (56) Age; mean (±SD) 62 (±12) Education High Middle Low Other Missing 2276 1908 464 61 54 (48) (40) (10) (1) (1) Diagnosis Breast cancer Haematological cancers Colorectal cancer Prostate cancer Bladder cancer Gynaecologic cancer Lung cancer Melanoma Oesophageal cancer Other 1231 874 787 569 270 179 153 125 105 470 (26) (18) (16) (12) (6) (4) (3) (3) (2) (10) Years since last received cancer treatment; median (IQR) 2 (1-6) Patients reported cancer stage Cured Will probably be cured Will probably not be cured Don’t know/n.a. 2166 901 1256 440 (46) (19) (26) (9) Abreviations N.a.; not applicable, SD; standard deviation, IQR; interquartile range.