Ietje Perfors

31 Initiator & satisfaction Among those who reported that their GP was involved in cancer care, this was initiated by the patient in 52% (N=1650), by the GP in 31% (N=987), by significant others in 4% (N=116) and unknown in 13% (N=421). In case of GP involvement, satisfaction with GP involvement in cancer care was evaluated with a mean of 7.4 (±2.4). This involvement was rated higher if the GP was the initiator (8.0±2.0), instead of the patient (7.0±2.4). This is illustrated by the final quote in Supplementary Box 1. Box 1. Illustrative quotes of respondents. Topics Quotes of respondents Need for GP involvement in cancer care “Because you are so busy with life-threatening things, you hardly understand your own feelings. My partner and I needed a lot of extra care from our GP.” “Your GP is closer to you than a specialist and is often easier to reach.” “It’s always nice to talk to the GP, so she’s up to date and can think along.” No need for GP involvement cancer care “The contact, guidance and information I received from the hospital was enough.” “I had many visits to the hospital. I had no need for more consultations.” Unmet need for GP involvement cancer care “I never thought of contacting my general practitioner. In hindsight, it might have helped me.” “I had a need, but he didn’t even contact me after the diagnosis when he himself had referred me to the hospital when I felt a lump.” GP’s SDM support “I was facing the decision to take hormones for five years. The decision was with me, but I did not know what to do. That’s when I went to my GP for a consultation.” “I think the specific information should come from the treating physician. The GP can check if everything is clear and stress that the patient’s opinion is important.” “A GP is the right person to talk to you as patient about your expectations, possibilities, etc.” Initiator for GP involvement cancer care “The doctor called me several times on his own initiative after the diagnosis and during treatment. That was nice and gave me the feeling that he was involved.” 2