Ietje Perfors

32 Chapter 2 Table 3. Need for GP involvement in SDM of cancer treatment and whether this need is met. Presented for total and stratified per subgroup. My GP should…. Listen to my worries and considerations about the diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. Check if I understand the information about my diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. Discuss what I think is important in my life and the consequences of treatment options for these priorities. Explain to me the importance of my own opinion when making a treatment decision. Need (yes) Need met?(yes)* Need (yes) Need met? (yes)* Need (yes) Need met? (yes)* Need (yes) Need met? (yes)* Total Of total Of need Of total Of need Of total Of need Of total Of need N N % N % N % N % N % N % N % N % All respondents 4526 3724 (82) 1744 (47) 3130 (69) 542 (17) 3006 (66) 461 (15) 3045 (67) 294 (10) Male Female 1966 2560 1561 2163 (79) (85) 755 989 (48) (46) 1349 1781 (69) (70) 236 306 (18) (17) 1274 1732 (65) (68) 217 244 (17) (14) 1297 1748 (66) (68) 128 166 (10) (10) Aged <65 Aged ≥65 2434 2092 2059 1665 (85) (80) 1008 736 (49) (44) 1685 1445 (69) (69) 326 216 (19) (15) 1639 1376 (67) (65) 257 204 (16) (15) 1665 1380 (68) (66) 160 134 (10) (10) Low education Middle education High education 422 1810 2185 326 1495 1812 (77) (83) (83) 127 644 930 (39) (43) (51) 308 1305 1439 (73) (72) (66) 51 221 260 (17) (17) (18) 296 1237 1394 (70) (68) (64) 33 183 238 (11) (15) (17) 296 1239 1435 (70) (69) (66) 32 119 138 (11) (10) (10) Haematological cancers Colorectal cancer Bladder cancer Gynaecologic cancer Melanoma cancer Breast cancer Prostate cancer Lung cancer Oesophageal cancer 832 732 256 170 119 1178 543 145 104 680 568 201 141 97 1002 447 124 84 (82) (78) (79) (83) (82) (85) (82) (86) (81) 311 254 83 66 51 442 229 64 54 (46) (45) (41) (47) (53) (44) (51) (52) (64) 530 517 176 119 87 818 384 104 76 (64) (71) (69) (70) (73) (69) (71) (72) (73) 90 94 26 16 13 143 70 20 15 (17) (18) (15) (13) (15) (18) (18) (19) (20) 512 469 176 119 79 801 358 105 75 (62) (64) (69) (70) (66) (68) (66) (72) (72) 75 65 14 17 18 104 67 26 19 (15) (14) (8) (14) (23) (13) (19) (25) (25) 507 483 176 127 83 804 377 95 78 (61) (66) (69) (75) (70) (68) (69) (66) (75) 38 42 10 11 11 76 52 12 12 (8) (9) (6) (9) (13) (10) (14) (13) (15)