Ietje Perfors

38 Chapter 2 14. Brandenbarg D, Roorda C, StadlanderM, et al: Patients’ views on general practitioners’ role during treatment and follow-up of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study. Fam Pract 34:234-238, 2017 15. Stegmann ME, Geerse OP, Tange D, et al: Experiences and needs of patients with incurable cancer regarding advance care planning: results from a national cross- sectional survey. Support Care Cancer, 2020 16. Stegmann ME, Festen S, Brandenbarg D, et al: Using the Outcome Prioritization Tool (OPT) to assess the preferences of older patients in clinical decision-making: A review. Maturitas 128:49-52, 2019 17. Perfors IAA, Helsper CW, Noteboom EA, et al: Randomised controlled trial protocol (GRIP study): examining the effect of involvement of a general practitioner and home care oncology nurse after a cancer diagnosis on patient reported outcomes and healthcare utilization. BMC Cancer 18:132, 2018