Ietje Perfors

39 Appendix A. Survey. 1. This survey is meant for people ever diagnosed with cancer. Is this applicable to your situation? a. Yes, I have (had) cancer b. No 2. Wat is your sex? a. Male b. Female 3. What year you were born? 4. What is the highest education you achieved? a. No education achieved b. Primary school c. Primary professional education d. Secondary general education e. Secondary professional education f. Secondary general education g. Higher professional education h. Scientific education i. I’d rather not say j. Otherwise, namely 5. What type of cancer do/did you have? (if you had multiple diagnosis, fill in the most recent one) …… 6. In what year did you receive the most recent treatment? …… 7. Which situation is now applicable in your case? a. I’m cured b. I will (probably) cure c. I will (probably) not cure d. I don’t know/not applicable 2