Ietje Perfors

40 Chapter 2 8. In how many hospitals were you treated? a. One hospital b. Two hospitals c. More than two 9. From which hospital did you receive the most care? 10. Did you have a need for contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? a. Yes b. No c. I don’t know/n.a. d. Comment…. 11. When did you have a need for contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? (Multiple answers possible) a. Shortly after diagnosis b. During treatment c. After treatment, during follow-up in hospital d. After finishing follow-up in hospital e. I don’t know/n.a. 12. What was your reason for not having a need for contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? 13. Did you have contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or the its consequences? a. Yes b. No c. I don’t know/n.a. d. Comment….