Ietje Perfors

41 14. When did you have contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? (Multiple answers possible) a. Shortly after diagnosis b. During treatment c. After treatment, during follow-up in hospital d. After finishing follow-up in hospital e. I don’t know/n.a. 15. How many times (on average) did you have contact with your GP about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? a. 5 or less times b. 6-10 times c. 11 times or more d. I don’t know/n.a. 16. Who was the initiator of contact with your GP (most of the time) about your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? a. Me b. My loved ones c. My GP d. I don’t know/n.a. e. Other…. 17. In which way did your GP support you with your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? (Multiple answers possible) a. Listened to my worries and considerations about my diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. b. Asked if I understood the information about my diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. c. Discussed with me what I think is important in my life and the consequences of treatment options for these priorities. d. Explained to me the importance of my own opinion when making a treatment decision. e. Thought along with me about which hospital would be most suitable for me. f. Explained tome that no treatment is an option that I can choose. 2