Ietje Perfors

42 Chapter 2 g. Explained to me that I can change or stop the treatment in between. h. Helped me with physical problems due to my diagnosis and treatment (e.g., fatigue or pain). i. Helped me with psychological problems due to my diagnosis and treatment (e.g., anxiety, anger or sadness). j. Helped me with cognitive problems due to my diagnosis and treatment (e.g., memory or concentration problems). k. Helped me with social problems through my diagnosis and treatment (e.g., problems in relationships or with sexuality). l. Discussed withme what my wishes and needs are in the last phase of life or around the end of life. m. Had attention for my loved ones when dealing with my diagnosis and treatment. n. I don’t know/not applicable o. Otherwise, namely 18. How (un)satisfied are you with the support or your GP with your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences? a. 1-10, no opinion b. Comment 19. Below you find statements about the role of your GP bymake a treatment decision regarding your cancer diagnosis, the treatment and/or its consequences. Describe below if you agree or disagree with these statements. a. My GP should listen to my worries and considerations about the diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. b. My GP should check if I understand the information about my diagnosis, treatment and its consequences. c. My GP should discuss with me what I think is important in my life and the consequences of treatment options for these priorities. d. My GP should explain to me the importance of my own opinion when making a treatment decision. e. Comment…