Ietje Perfors

Table of contents Page CHAPTER 1 General Introduction 7 CHAPTER 2 GP involvement after a cancer diagnosis; patients’ unmet need for decision support. 19 CHAPTER 3 Involving the general practitioner during curative cancer treatment: a systematic review of health care interventions. 45 CHAPTER 4 Randomised controlled trial protocol (GRIP study): examining the effect of involvement of a general practitioner and home care oncology nurse after a cancer diagnosis on patient reported outcomes and healthcare utilization. 83 CHAPTER 5 Effects of a Time Out Consultation with the GP on cancer treatment decision making; a randomised controlled trial. 105 CHAPTER 6 Structural involvement of the primary care team after a cancer diagnosis: the GRIP randomised controlled trial. 133 CHAPTER 7 General Discussion 175 APPENDICES Summary 191 Nederlandse Samenvatting 198 Dankwoord 204 Curriculum vitae 208