Ietje Perfors

51 Methods Data source and search A literature search was conducted in PubMed and EMBASE for articles describing randomised controlled trials (RCTs), controlled clinical trials (CCTs), controlled before and after studies, and interrupted time series published in any language until the 3 July 2018. We used a search strategy that was previously applied in a review assessing continuity of care in the follow- up of patients with cancer. 12 Subsequently, this strategy was adapted for completeness and relevance based on sequential testing of search strategies to develop our final search strategy. The details of the sequential and final search strategies are listed in online supplementary appendix A. The search terms include keywords and controlled vocabulary terms surrounding the central themes ‘general practitioner’, ‘primary care’, ‘oncology’ and ‘care’. Outcome measures and comparing study arm were not included in the selection criteria to widen the scope of the review. Instead of a database- integrated filter, a tailored methodological search filter was used to limit retrieval to appropriate study design. 12 We reviewed references of selected articles for additional papers. Outcomes were included if they were related to the quality of healthcare (eg, healthcare use), the healthcare experience of: healthcare professionals, informal caregivers, and patients, or outcomes at the patient-level, with a focus on, for example, disease, quality of life and psychosocial impact. Study selection Articles were selected if they described an intervention; (1) for patients with cancer, (2) starting during curative treatment, (3) evaluating involvement of the GP, and (4) tested in a randomised controlled setting, CCT, controlled before and after studies or interrupted time series. Studies with a majority (>75%) of curative patients were included. In case, the proportion of curative patients was unclear, the original authors were contacted. Without response, the inclusion of the trial was based on >75% patient survival during the trial. 3