Ietje Perfors

56 Chapter 3 Type of interventions All participants received usual care, whichwas extendedwhen the participant was appointed to the intervention. The interventions in the studies (table 1) were heterogeneous, but can be divided in mainly information transfer to the GP (n=4) 16, 17, 24–26 and tailored primary care interventions (n=2). 18–21, 23 Interventions focusing on information transfer, provided additional, disease- specific educational and practical information concerning treatment and care directly to the GP or via the patient. Interventions were either directed at enhancing communication between GP and another party (ie, secondary care or patient), or directed at improving patient’s attitude towards the healthcare system (ie, healthcare in general or intervention), physical or psychological complains. Three interventions provided patients with information, which was to be transferred to the GP. In one CCT, 24 informational cards were provided to the patients for use in primary care. Two other RCTs described an intervention with a Patient Held Record (PHR) 25, 26 aimed to facilitate intersectoral communication, to provide patients with an aide memoire and with the opportunity to stay actively involved in their treatment. One RCT supplied the GP with patient-specific discharge summaries by secondary care, aiming to enhance GP knowledge of chemotherapy treatment and expected adverse effects. 16, 17 The tailored primary care interventions aimed to support patients in managing their disease and treatment. 18, 19, 21, 23 The interventions were to diverse to be merged and they are therefore described separately. In Johansson et al, 23 primary care was intensified by means of recruitment of a home care nurse, psychologist, dietician and training of the GP. The home care nurse initiated contact. The GP was regularly informed by the specialist and educated on management of patients with cancer. In the one RCT from Hansen et al and Bergholdt et al, 18–21 a rehabilitation team interviewed all patients on different aspects of rehabilitation. Afterwards the GP was informed on patient-specific rehabilitation needs and encouraged to proactively contact the patient to support the patient in his/her needs.