Ietje Perfors

60 Chapter 3 Table 1. Details of interventions aiming at active involvement of the GP during treatment with curative intent. Reference Country Population n=number, Cancer origin, Stage Timing of: Inclusion, Intervention, Follow-up Drury et al. (2000) 25 UK N = 650 60% ♀ MAM (33%), LUN, GI, GYN, URO, H&N, other (13%); Cancer stage not specified. 59 patients died ≤ 3 months from baseline, which may reflect inclusion of patients with advanced disease. Inclusion During any RT clinic visit Time after diagnosis not specified Intervention On enrolment Follow-up 3 months Bergholdt et al. (2012/ 2013/ 2013) Hansen et al. (2011) 18–21 Denmark N = 955 72% ♀ MAM (43%), LUN, GI, other (19%), MEL Cancer stage unknown, no deceased Inclusion Cancer diagnosis <3 months Intervention On enrolment Follow-up 14 months Johansson et al. (2001) 23 Sweden N = 463 57% ♀ MAM (47%), GI, PRO 22% with advanced disease. Inclusion Newly diagnosed patients (<3 months after diagnosis) Intervention On enrolment Follow-up 3 months