Ietje Perfors

90 Chapter 4 Figure 1 . GRIP intervention in addition to usual cancer care. Abbreviations: GP; General Practitioner, HON; Homecare Oncology Nurse. Intervention Patients in the intervention group are offered additional structured follow-up guidance from primary care, next to the usual secondary care, consisting of two components (Figure 1): 1) A “Time Out consultation“ with the GP between the moment of diagnosis and the final decision on treatment in secondary care. 2) Follow-up care from primary care, delivered by a home care oncology nurse (HON) in cooperation with the GP during and after active treatment. Active treatment includes surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy. All components of the intervention are developed in close cooperation with the Dutch patient organisation ‘NFK (Dutch Federation of Cancer Patient Associations)’ and the participating GP and home care organisations using existing healthcare services provided by regional organisations. Healthcare partners from the regional care network were chosen as preferred providers. 1) Time Out consultation After informed consent and before the final treatment decision are made in the hospital, the patient will be invited for an appointment with his/her GP for a ‘Time Out consultation’ of 20minutes. In preparation, the GP of a patient randomised to the intervention group is contacted by the researcher to be informed about the intervention procedure. The researcher shortly explains the content of the “Time Out consultation” to the GP, including the topics of