Ietje Perfors

93 Table 1. Expected actions for all actors to enable involvement of a primary care team after diagnosis. Patient General Practitioner HON Between cancer diagnosis and treatment - Make appointment with GP for Time Out - Prepare Time Out consultation - Contacted by GP - Execute Time Out - Contact HON for follow up during treatment During and after treatment - Contacted and visited by HON - Informed on progress by HON - Plans and performs patient contacts (proposed minimum two during and two after treatment.) - Contact with GP if required - Patient guidance if required - Informs GP - If required consults GP/ secondary care Abreviations: GP; General practitioner, HON; Home care oncology nurse. Control group Patients in the control group receive care as usual during the cancer journey. Hence for this group of participants, follow up guidance after diagnosis takes place in secondary care and guidance from primary care is not structured. Details of usual care depend on disease, patients- and caretaker characteristics, patients’ preferences and varying hospital protocols. In general, the phases of usual care can be described as: diagnosis, choice of treatment, delivery of treatment and follow-up care in hospital. Treatment options are discussed in a multidisciplinary team and generally follow national guidelines. Cancer care in the hospital is commonly delivered by a team consisting of a nurse (specialist) and a medical doctor specialised in oncology. In general, the GP is informed about the diagnosis by phone or by mail through Electronic Data Interchange after the multidisciplinary team reached consensus on the treatment. 4