Ietje Perfors

96 Chapter 4 Figure 2 . Questionnaire timeline in the cancer care pathway. Abbreviations: GP; General Practitioner, EORTC QLQ-c30; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of life Questionnaire, GSE; General Self-Efficacy Scale, MHI-5; Mental Health Inventory, PEPPI; Perceived Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions, SDM-Q9; Shared Decision Making Questionnaire, iMTA PCQ; Productivity Cost Questionnaire of the institute for Medical Technology Assessment, DS-14; Assessment of negative affectivity, social inhibition, and Type D personality, EORTC-info 26; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Assessment Satisfaction with information, iMTA MCQ; Medical Cost Questionnaire of the institute for Medical Technology Assessment, EORTC-IN-PATSAT; Satisfaction with care questionnaire, NRS; Numeric Rating Scale.