Fehmi Keçe

Chapter 3 104 Supplemental References 1. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. “Mini-mental state”. A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1975;12:189-98. 2. Luteijn F. [A new abbreviated Groninger Intelligence Test]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor de psychologie en haar grensgebieden 1966;21:675-82. 3. Wechsler D, Wechsler Memory Scale. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation 1945. 4. Rey A. L’examin Clinique en Psychologie. 1958. 5. Helton WS, Kern RP, Walker DR. Conscious thought and the sustained attention to response task. Consciousness and Cognition 2009;18:600-7. 6. Regard M, Strauss E, Knapp P. Children’s production on verbal and non-verbal fluency tasks. Perceptual and Motor Skills 1982;55:839-44. 7. Reitan R. Trail making test: manual for administration, scoring and interpretation. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University 1956. 8. Tiffin J, Asher EJ. The Purdue Pegboard: norms and studies of reliability and validity. Journal of Applied Psychology 1948;32:234–47. 9. Stroop JR. Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology 1992;121:15–23. 10. Van der Elst W, Van Boxtel MP, Van Breukelen GJ, Jolles J. Normative data for the Animal, Profession and Letter M Naming verbal fluency tests for Dutch speaking participants and the effects of age, education, and sex. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2006;12:80-9. 11. Zigmond AS, Snaith RP. The hospital anxiety and depression scale. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1983;67:361-70.