Fehmi Keçe

Cerebral Embolism during Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 93 3 3.7.2 Neuropsychological Assessment Global cognitive function and intelligence Global cognitive functioning was tested with MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) (1). The MMSE is a 30-point questionnaire to assess global cognition; a higher score reflects better performance. For an estimation of the intelligence level, 7 subtests of the 10 of the GIT2 (Groninger Intelligence Test 2) (2) were used. Memory functioning Memory functioning was tested with WMS (Wechsler Memory Scale) (3). The score is presented in a memory quotient (MQ) based on the scores on various subscales. RAVLT (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test) was used to test verbal memory and learning (4). The test consists of 2 lists of 15 words, the first repeated over several trials, the second used once as interference trial. The number of correctly recalled words was counted for every trial and after a delay (only for words of the first list). With the figure test, drawing and visual memory was tested. A higher score indicates better visual memory. Attention and concentration Attention and concentration was tested with SART (Sustained Attention to Response Task) (5). The test assesses the capacity to attend. In the test, patients are asked to either press a button or to withhold in response to the appearance of numbers from 1 through 9 in random order. The number of errors and reaction times were noted. Executive functioning Executive functioning was tested with FFT (Figure Fluency Test) (6), TMT (Trail Making Test) Part B and Part B minus Part A (7), and STROOP (Stroop Color Word Test) Card 3 and Card 3 minus Card 2, the interference score (9). The FFT assesses nonverbal mental flexibility and fluency by the ability to draw new figures. The number of correct, wrong and repeated figures were counted. In TMT Part B, a patient needs to connect digits with letters in an ascending pattern. In TMT Part A, the patient connects digits in an ascending order. The time to complete the test parts was measured, more time indicating lower performance. With STROOP Card 3, the color of the ink in which color names are printed (color of the ink does not match the color names) needs to be named and reading the colored words needs to be inhibited, leading to a delay in reaction time. With STROOP Card 2, the patient needs to name different color patches.