Fehmi Keçe

Chapter 3 98 Table D. Neuropsychological test results for the PVAC Gold group vs. the Thermocool group. Ablation Technology T1 T2 P-value (group) P-value (time) P-value (interaction) Global Cognitive Functioning and Intelligence MMSE total score PVAC Gold 29 ± 1 29 ± 2 0.706 0.708 1.000 TC 29 ± 1 29 ± 1 GIT2 total score (7/10 subtests) PVAC Gold 95 ± 16 100 ± 15 0.688 0.001 0.564 TC 93 ± 17 99 ± 18 Memory Functioning WMS MQ total score PVAC Gold 122 ± 15 127 ± 14 0.532 0.001 0.941 TC 119 ± 17 126 ± 16 RAVLT Imprinting score PVAC Gold 13 ± 3 13 ± 3 0.879 0.006 0.894 TC 12 ± 2 12 ± 3 RAVLT Delayed Cued Recall score PVAC Gold 13 ± 3 12 ± 3 0.412 0.001 0.679 TC 12 ± 3 11 ± 3 RAVLT Delayed Recognition score PVAC Gold 42 ± 3 42 ± 2 0.893 0.069 0.867 TC 41 ± 3 41 ± 2 Attention and Concentration SART mean reaction time (s) PVAC Gold 330 ± 51 332 ± 51 0.652 0.688 0.456 TC 339 ± 54 330 ± 51 SART no. errors PVAC Gold 12 ± 8 11 ± 6 0.150 0.129 0.762 TC 13 ± 10 12 ± 9 Executive Functioning FFT no. patterns PVAC Gold 58 ± 28 65 ± 30 0.955 0.001 0.354 TC 55 ± 33 67 ± 29