Ellen de Kort

198 Appendices Other publications Fustolo-Gunnink SF, Fijnvandraat K, Van Klaveren D, Stanworth SJ, Curley A, Onland W, Steyerberg EW, de Kort E , d’Haens EJ, Hulzebos CV, Huisman EJ, de BoodeWP, Lopriore E, van der Bom JG. Preterm neonates benefit from low prophylactic platelet transfusion thresholds despite varying risk of bleeding or death. Blood 2019;134:2354-2360. Onland W, Cools F, Kroon A, Rademaker K, Merkus MP, Dijk PH, van Straaten HL, Te Pas AB, Mohns T, Bruneel E, van Heijst AF, Kramer BW, Debeer A, Zonnenberg I, Marechal Y, Blom H, Plaskie K, Offringa M, van Kaam AH; STOP-BPD Study Group . Effect of hydrocortisone therapy initiated 7 to 14 days after birth on mortality or bronchopulmonary dysplasia among very preterm infants receiving mechanical ventilation: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2019;321:354-363. Curley A, Stanworth SJ, Willoughby K, Fustolo-Gunnink SF, Venkatesh V, Hudson C, Deary A, Hodge R, Hopkins V, Lopez Santamaria B, Mora A, Llewelyn C, D’Amore A, Kan R, Onland W, Lopriore E, Fijnvandraat K, New H, Clarke P, Watts T; PlaNeT2 MATISSE Collaborators . Randomized trial of platelet-transfusion thresholds in neonates. N Engl J Med 2019;380:242-251. De Kort EHM , Andriessen P, Rijken M. Op de grenzen van levensvatbaarheid: overleving en ontwikkelingsstoornissen bij kinderen geboren na een zwangerschapsduur van 24 of 25 weken. Praktische Pediatrie 2018. De Kort EHM , Simons SHP. Reply to the letter to the editor ‘Does remifentanil have a place for sedation in the case of endotracheal intubation or minimally invasive surfactant therapy in neonates?’ Neonatology 2017;112:374-375. De Kort EHM , Conneman N, Diderich KEM. A case of Rubinstein Taybi syndrome and congenital neuroblastoma. American Journal of Medical Genetics 2014;164A:1332-1333. DambacherWM, de Kort EHM , BlomWM, Houben GF, de Vries E. Double-blind placebo- controlled food challenges in children with alleged cows’ milk allergy: prevention of unnecessary elimination diets and determination of eliciting doses. Nutritional Journal 2013;12:12-22. De Kort EHM , Vrancken SLAG, Binkhorst M, Cuppen MPJM, van Heijst AJF, Brons PPT. Protein C replacement in neonatal homozygous protein C deficiency – a case report and review of the literature. Pediatrics 2011;127:1338-1342.