Ellen de Kort

201 PhD portfolio A PHD PORTFOLIO Name PhD candidate Ellen H.M. de Kort PhD period January 2016 – December 2019 Promotor Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss Copromotors Dr. S.H.P Simons Dr. P. Andriessen Departments Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus UMC Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam Department of Pediatrics, Máxima MC Veldhoven PHD TRAINING Year ECTS General courses • Good clinical practice (GCP) course plus exam 2012 0.6 • GCP certificate renewal 2017 0.3 • Patient oriented research: design, conduct and analysis 2017 0.3 • Biostatistical methods 1: basic principles part A 2019 2.0 • Scientific integrity 2019 0.3 Seminars and workshops • Scientific meeting of the neonatology section of the Dutch Association of Pediatrics, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands 2016 0.3 • Symposium of the Dutch working group on neonatal follow up, Leiden, the Netherlands 2017 0.3 • Basic Clinical Teaching 2017 0.6 • Scientific meeting of the neonatology section of the Dutch Association of Pediatrics, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands 2018 0.3 Oral presentations • Prospective evaluation of remifentanil during INSURE in preterm newborns: unpredictable effects and side effects. European Academy of Pediatric Societies, Barcelona, Spain 2014 1.0