Ellen de Kort

207 About the author A ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ellen de Kort was born on September 10 th 1979 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. She received her Atheneum degree at Pius X College Bladel in 1997. After studying Health Sciences at the University of Maastricht for two years, in 1999 she started with her medical training at the Radboud University Nijmegen. She obtained her medical degree in 2005 and started working as a resident in pediatrics at Máxima MC Veldhoven for 14 months, where her interest in Neonatology was first aroused. In October 2006, Ellen started her residency program in Pediatrics, successively at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen. In March 2011 she graduated as a pediatrician and started with a fellowship in Neonatology at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Erasmus UMC Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam. In January 2013 she returned to where her professional career had started. She completed the last 7 months of her fellowship in Neonatology in the Máxima MC in Veldhoven and has since then been working there as a neonatologist. In 2016, Ellen started her PhD trajectory at the Department of Pediatrics of the Máxima MC in Veldhoven and the Erasmus UMC Sophia Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam, which resulted in this thesis. Ellen lives together with her partner Pim in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. They like to spend their free time on the water in their sailing boat.