Ellen de Kort

75 Sedation assessment for neonatal intubation 5 Table 1. Search strategies Electronic database Search strategy Embase (intubation/de OR ‘respiratory tract intubation’/exp OR (intubat*):ab,ti) AND (newborn/de OR ‘newborn intensive care’/exp OR prematurity/ de OR ‘low birth weight’/exp OR ‘newborn care’/de OR (newborn* OR (new* NEXT/1 born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR ‘low birth weight’ OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw):ab,ti) AND (premedication/exp OR ‘hypnotic sedative agent’/exp OR ‘sedative agent’/exp OR ‘conscious sedation’/de OR ‘deep sedation’/de OR ‘anesthetic agent’/exp OR ‘muscle relaxation’/de OR ‘muscle relaxant agent’/exp OR ‘neuromuscular blocking agent’/exp OR (premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) NEAR/3 (relax* OR block*))):ab,ti) NOT ([animals]/lim NOT [humans]/lim) NOT (‘cesarean section’/de OR pregnancy/exp OR ‘pregnant woman’/de OR (cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*):ab,ti) Medline (intubation/ OR “Intubation, Intratracheal”/ OR (intubat*).ab,ti.) AND (exp infant, newborn/ OR “Intensive Care Units, Neonatal”/ OR “Intensive Care, Neonatal”/ OR (newborn* OR (new* ADJ born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR “low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw).ab,ti.) AND (premedication/ OR exp “Hypnotics and Sedatives”/ OR “conscious sedation”/ OR “deep sedation”/ OR exp “anesthetics”/ OR “muscle relaxation”/ OR exp “Neuromuscular Agents”/ OR (premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) ADJ3 (relax* OR block*))).ab,ti.) NOT (exp animals/ NOT humans/) NOT (“cesarean section”/ OR exp pregnancy/ OR “pregnant women”/ OR (cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*).ab,ti.) Cochrane ((intubat*):ab,ti) AND ((newborn* OR (new* NEXT/1 born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR ‘low birth weight’ OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw):ab,ti) AND ((premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) NEAR/3 (relax* OR block*))):ab,ti) NOT ((cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*):ab,ti) Web of Science TS=(((intubat*)) AND ((newborn* OR (new* NEAR/1 born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR “low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw)) AND ((premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) NEAR/2 (relax* OR block*)))) NOT ((cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*)) NOT ((animal* OR rat OR rats OR mouse OR mice OR murine) NOT (human* OR child* OR patient*))) Google Scolar Intubation|intubated newborn|newborns|neonates|neonatal|nicu|ni- cus|premature|preterm|”low birth weight”|lbw|vlbw|elbw premedica- tion|sedation|anesthetic|anaesthetic|”muscular|neuromuscular relax- ation|blockers” -cesarean -caesarean -pregnancy -pregnant