Ellen de Kort

96 Chapter 6 RESULTS Study population During the study period, 195 intubation encounters were performed in 164 patients. Only every first intubation attempt of every first intubation encounter was included, and therefore 164 intubation attempts were eligible for inclusion. Of these, 49 attempts (30%) were excluded because data regarding IRS and/or intubation scores were lacking or incomplete, leaving 115 intubation attempts eligible for analysis. IRS and intubation conditions IRS and intubation scores of the 115 patients that were eligible for analysis are shown in the flowchart in Figure 1. In 10 patients (9%), intubation was started despite an IRS of 1 or 2, thereby violating the standardized protocol. These patients were excluded from further analysis. IRS 3 or 4 was achieved in 105 patients (91%). Eighty-nine patients with IRS 3 or 4 had good quality of intubation, leading to a positive predictive value of 85%. IRS was 3 in 62 patients, of whom 56 patients had good quality of intubation, leading to a positive predictive value of 90%. IRS 4 was reached in 43 patients. Of these, 33 patients had good quality of intubation, leading to a positive predictive value of 77%. Eligible patients n = 115 IRS 3-4 n = 105 (91%) Sufficient sedation during intubation Good quality of intubation n = 89 (85%) IRS 3 n = 56 (63%) IRS 4 n = 33 (37%) Insufficient sedation during intubation Inadequate quality of intubation n = 16 (15%) IRS 3 n = 6 (38%) IRS 4 n = 10 (62%) IRS 1-2 n = 10 (9%) Exclusion from analysis Figure 1. Flowchart of study patients