Ellen de Kort

Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 7
Chapter 2 Sedation of newborn infants for the INSURE procedure, are we sure? 21
Chapter 3 Insufficient sedation and severe side effects after fast administration of remifentanil during INSURE in preterm newborns 41
Chapter 4 Quality assessment and response to less invasive surfactant administration (LISA) without sedation 51
Chapter 5 Assessment of sedation level prior to neonatal intubation: a systematic review 71
Chapter 6 Evaluation of an Intubation Readiness Score to assess neonatal sedation before intubation 91
Chapter 7 Propofol for endotracheal intubation in neonates: a dosefinding trial 107
Chapter 8 Propofol in neonates causes a dose-dependent profound and protracted decrease in blood pressure 127
Chapter 9 General discussion and future perspectives 147
Chapter 10 Summary 173
Chapter 11 Nederlandse samenvatting 181
Author affiliations 193
List of publications 197
PhD Portfolio 201
About the author 207
Dankwoord 209