Martine van der Pluijm

101 How can teachers build partnerships? FIGURE 4.3: AHL Program Content Step Objective Teacher behaviour Tools Professionalization activities 1 Support teachers to establish SFPs Teachers assess the home language environment by: • gathering information about parental characteristics in administration system (e.g., education levels, home language). • gathering additional information about the HLE environment (e.g., observing parent-child interactions). Class inventory list factsheet Workshops (3): • assessing the HLE • planning SFP procedures • preparing introductory interviews (incl. simulations) 2 Teachers involve parents and colleagues in SFP procedures in support of child language development by: • systemizing (existing) parent procedures to support children’s development in an action plan (e.g., weekly parent-child activity). • involving parents and colleagues to conduct SFP procedures together. Parent procedure checklist, good practice, guidelines Coaching (3): • observing HLE in practice • fine tuning SFP procedures with colleagues and parents • reflecting on reciprocal communication 3 Teachers build reciprocal relationships with all parents by: • inviting parents with an open attitude to exchange views and experiences about child support at home and vice versa. • aligning the roles of parents and teachers to support children’s development. Guidelines reciprocal communication 4 Support teachers to implement intervention activities Teachers arrange weekly parent-child activities that stimulate interaction (using Steps 1 to 3). • adapting the parent-child activity to parental knowledge and skills (e.g., limited use of written materials, easy language, supporting the use of the home language). • structuring the delivery of the activity (e.g., fixed set-up, explanation resp. modeling, suggestions to take home). • using reciprocal communication (e.g., exchanging experiences, valuing parental views, aligning roles of parent and teacher). Checklist parent- child activity, self evaluation checklist, good practices Workshop (1) • creating adapted parent- child activities • organizing parent-child activities (incl. simulations) Coaching (5): • reflecting on enactment with parents and children and collaborating with colleagues 5 Support teachers to stimulate oral language Teachers stimulate parental role development by: • exchanging role perceptions to support oral language development (e.g., modeling interaction with child by turn-taking). Guidelines, self-evaluation, good practices Network sessions (6) • exchanging experiences and barriers • exploring solutions to adapt to lower- educated parents (incl. simulations) • preparing activities for use in practice 6 Teachers prioritize the use of language by: • explaining and modeling strategies (e.g., asking questions, scaffolding) without too much focus on activity results. See Step 5 7 Teachers expand children’s language by: • explaining and modeling strategies to extend children’s sentences and using decontextualized language. Idem as for Steps 5 & 6